Bat Guano Clean-Up FAQs

Bat Guano on an Old Building’s Wooden Structure

Environmental Demolition Group handles every kind of select demolition your company requires, from lead abatement and asbestos removal to mold remediation and PCB remediation. Today’s blog focuses on answering frequently asked questions about bat guano clean-up. What is bat guano? Bat guano is another term for bat droppings. What does bat guano look like? They […]

Lead Abatement FAQs

Lead Hazard Sign

What is lead abatement? Lead abatement occurs when someone needs to permanently remove lead from a site, building, or property. Why is lead abatement necessary? This process is required for the safety of workers, customers, and the public who spend time in the building because lead is a public health hazard. What are the health […]

Mold Remediation FAQs

Water damage and mold in a room

Environmental Demolition Group specializes in select demolition services, including removing or remediating mold from properties. In today’s blog, we answer several mold remediation FAQs. What is mold remediation? This is a process that removes mold from an indoor environment with the goal of returning mold to natural levels. Once the mold is removed, companies clean […]

Asbestos FAQs

Asbestos with warning signs, breathing masks, and goggles

Environmental Demolition Group specializes in select demolition services, including removing or abating hazardous materials from sites. Asbestos removal is one of our strong points. In today’s blog, we answer several asbestos FAQs. What is asbestos? Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed mainly of silicate, with heat-resistant and fire-resistant properties.  How does asbestos cause cancer? […]