
You found the ideal location for your industrial site. Even better, it’s an older building that fits your structural and space requirements without needing to construct a site from scratch.

Even though the property was built in the 1970s, an inspection shows asbestos and lead-based paint throughout the building. You’ll need a trusted partner like Environmental Demolition Group to resolve these issues.

Mold remediation crew looking over a building

Clean-Up of Industrial Sites

Industrial sites for factories, plants, and materials handling need exact space requirements. You must factor in storage, machinery, transportation elements, staging, and employee computer stations.

Our team will perform select demolition services to remove hazardous waste from:

Creating a Safe Work Space

Your employees need a clean and safe workspace at your industrial facility. Select demolition, abatement, and remediation of hazardous waste is the first step of that process. The experts at Environmental Demolition Group show you precisely what must happen to bring your building up to modern standards while ensuring your building maintains the elements you need to create an ideal space for your employees to work safely and efficiently.

Documentation of Our Services

After we clean up your site, we provide documentation for you to proceed to the renovation phase. Your team also receives a clean letter stating what contaminants we removed, when and how we removed them, and our utilized processes. Any future occupants or potential buyers of your property may examine these documents at a future date as sales are finalized.

Environmental Demolition Group Prepares Your Industrial Space

Contact Environmental Demolition Group for your select demolition needs. We partner with you, your developer, and your general contractor to ensure everything is correct before renovation starts.